Message from the President of the Japanese Society of Oral Implantology
Message from the Society President
Ryuji Hosokawa DDS, PhD
Japanese Society of Oral Implantology
The Society has grown and developed into one of the largest specialized subcommittees of the Japanese Association for Dental Science, both in name and reality. The goals of the Executive Committee for the present term are naturally to further improve member services and to contribute to society as a public interest incorporated association through the activities of our members. Above all, we intend to work on the establishment of a new, advertisable accreditation of the specialty in implant dentistry that is reviewed and approved by the Japanese Dental Specialty Board.
Last year, on May 8, 2023, the novel coronavirus infection, or COVID-19, was downgraded to a Category 5 infection. Thus, at last, our Society was able to pursue its activities as it had before the pandemic began. We were able to fulfill our dream of hearing from all of our Members who participated in our 53rd Annual Meeting in Sapporo. We are deeply grateful that we had so many of our Members in attendance for that special event.
As I stated, we are a public-interest incorporated association, and we perform our various activities as an academic organization. As a medical-science academic organization, some of our main work includes holding academic meetings, publishing an academic journal, and operation of our Members’ specialist accreditation system. For our academic meetings, we plan programs that will be attractive and stimulating to enable the participation of as many Members as possible. To bolster our online meeting capabilities launched during the coronavirus pandemic, we are also striving to improve our online environments for Member participation,. Our Society publishes two journals, the Journal of the Japanese Society of Oral Implantology and the International Journal of Implant Dentistry (IJID). For our journal for domestic Japan, we try to make it easier for Members to submit and publish clinical research and case reports. Additionally, by publishing review and survey (overview) articles, our aim is to provide useful information for our Members. For our international journals, support for submission fees is provided to reduce the burden on contributors. Meanwhile, we strive to provide articles of the highest quality, ones that will have a major impact on our field and practices. As for the accreditation system, we do our utmost to preserve the system that our Society has established. We also encourage implant dentists, and especially our Members, to obtain specialist credentials, by obtaining certification by the Japanese Society of Oral Implantology. In this way, we can serve and do our utmost to promote the health of our fellow citizens.
Our main theme in our central Annual Meeting for both last year and this year, 2024, is “Oral implant treatment that can earn the trust of society.” In November, we will hold our 54th Annual Meeting in Kyoto. Dr. Takashi Sakamoto, Director of the Academy of Oral Implantology in Osaka will be the chair. The sub-theme of the Meeting will be “Maintenance and recovery of oral functions as preparation for the era of the 100-year lifespan.” As oral implant specialists who provide necessary oral treatment, our role will be increasingly important as Japan becomes a “Super-Aging Society,” with people seeking to live long and healthy lives. We will thus show our readiness for the challenges that we face, now, and into the future. Just as last year in Sapporo, we hope to see as many Members as possible attend our 54th Annual Meeting in Kyoto. With that, we can look forward to a fruitful and meaningful Annual Meeting for everyone!